Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mr Dimitar Djambazov is the new Chairman of Chitalishte "Drastar-2012"

Mr Dimitar Dzhambazov
On the eve of the feast of the Annunciation of 03.24.2015 the Chitalishte "Drastar-2012" have organized the 2014 annual general and election meeting. The members elected Mr Dimitar Dimov Djambazov for the new Chairman. The reports for the implementation of the 2014 annual action plan and budget and 2015 annual action plan and budget were approved. The most important in 2014 was receiving from Municipal Hall the facilities including concert hall. Facilities are located in Silistra on the 2 "Hristo Smirnenski" str. and requires major repair and renovation. The Chitalishte Board will look for sponsors, donors and funding programs with opportunities to carry out the renovation. The members of the Chitalishte are willing to participate with their own work and time. The renovation of the building will be included into the Municipality of Silistra development plan up to 2020 in order to seek funding under the operational programs for 2014-2020 jointly.

President-elect said he would give up on their efforts for the future of Chitalishte "Drustur-2012". Mr Dimitar Dzhambazov is 53, from the town of Silistra, graduated in 1986, majoring in directing and choreographic education at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv. He is currently the artistic director of the Ensemble "Dobrudzha" and advocate for its conservation. In his career Mr Dzhambazov was primarily a teacher and choreographer for several dance ensembles and folk groups. From 2012 he is a choreographer of the folklore dance club "Drustur-2012". Received extremely well in professional folklore and musical circles in Bulgaria, Bulgarian expert on folklore and especially Dobrudzha folk dance and music, Mr Dzhambazov is a real friend and supporter of almost any popular artist or musician in Silistra. We wish him success!

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Ballet "B-2" and its choreografer Mrs Boryana Kyoseva participated in the "DAYS OF BULGARIA" in Malaga (Spain)

The Ballet "B-2" visited the Bulgarian (and Silistra) diaspora in Malaga, Spain   

By the initiative of three associations of Bulgarians in Spain - "Malaga-Bulgaria 2010" (President Mrs Pertanka Kostadinova), "Bulgarian Bunch" (President Mr Mattey Fotev) and "Marbella-Bulgaria 2013" (President Anita Christova), from 6th to 8th of March , 2015 in the cultural center "Rafael Gonzalez Luna" was organized for the first time the "DAYS OF BULGARIA" dedicated to the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria - Third of March. The event was organized with the assistance of Malaga Town Hall, Association "Central Ciudadana", Association of neighbors' Karanke" and The Art Center" Stringendo"  (with heads Svetlana and Emil Strundzhev).

Pic .: Association "Malaga-Bulgaria 2010"
The Ballet "B-2" participated within the three days of the event. "Bulgarian community welcomed us and we like, very taken care of us, we made joint concerts Spanish and Bulgarian children. We visited Grenada and Seville, we saw beautiful palaces, felt Spanish atmosphere .... go home on Wednesday evening",  said on the way back to Bulgaria Mrs. Kyoseva.
Ballet "B-2" was invited to Malaga from Art Center "Stringendo" as winner of the International Children's Art Festival "TRIXIE" '2014.
Other participants from Bulgaria were representatives of the School of Arts "St. Kliment Ohridski" from the city of Dobrich and soloists of the vocal group" Sweet popcorn" from the National Palace of Children (Sofia). With individual performances of folk dances included another family Rhumiana and Stefan Jekovi (citizens of Silistra living in Malaga), Desi Dimitrova and Sofia and Savina Georgiev. With their own performances the feast attended over of ten folklore  groups of Bulgarians living in Palma de Mallorca, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga etc.Within the program of the festival was an exhibition of Bulgarian artists, of the iconographers from Art Center "Stringendo" and a presentation of the Pertanka Kostadinova's book "Colors of feelings." State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad organized a documentary exhibition dedicated to Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Pic .: Association "Malaga-Bulgaria 2010"
Photo gallery of the "Ballet" B-2 "from participation in Bulgarian in Malaga from 6 to 8 March 2015.

See video of the concert program: