Sunday, December 23, 2012

We have registered a non-profit organization - Association "Dobrudzha 2012"

On November 26th, 2012, the members of our club and our followers we have registered a non-profit organization named "Dobrudzha 2012". We intend to benefit of more opportunities to develop and popularize local and national folklore, culture and heritage. The Association "Dobrudzha 2012" is willing to be a partner to another individuals and organizations for realizing our goals. And mainly - we continue to dance.
From now on the name of our club is "Dobrudzha 2012" instead The folklore dance club at the Silistra Dobrudzha Ensemble.
If you are an individual or organization sharing the main objectives and goals of our  Association "Dobrudzha 2012" do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail:
The main objectives of the  Association "Dobrudzha 2012" are the following:
1. Encouragеment, stimulation and promotion of culture, heritage, arts, tourism, sport, innovation, life long learning and other activities oriented to the communities of children, adolescents and adults including marginal groups. 
2. Studying and development of the local and national culture, arts and heritage as of the community needs and necessities. 
3. Support the community to gain the knowledge, capabilities and competences related to their needs; 
4. Support and promotion of culture, sport and healthiness among the children and adolescent.
5.  Improving the creative works and innovations oriented to the individuals' social and intelligence skills; 
6. Development of centers for culture and creation towards community groups including folklore songs, dances, traditions, costumes, musical instruments, theatre, cinema, arts, carnivals etc; 
7.     Culture and tourism marketing and popularization of festival competitions among different community groups; 
8.      Promotion of gender equality and active involvement in public activities;
9.   Providing and promotion the accessible environment for people with disabilities and their integration
10.  Promotion of the voluntarism and the intercession for civil rights; 
11. Local, regional, cross-border and international cooperation with similar organizations; 
12.  Sustainable development and management of the natural and life environment including environmental trainings and services; 
13.  Public-private partnerships;

The Association "Dobrudzha 2012" is registered by the Silistra Regional Court and is registered by Bulgarian Ministry of Justice at the list of non-profit associations.

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