Friday, March 28, 2014

Mrs. Elmira Nikolova is the new chairman of the Chitalishte "Drastar - 2012"

At a meeting on March 27, 2014, the general meeting board of the Chitalishte "Drastar-2012" elected a new chairman - Mrs Elmira Nikolova. She was a member of the management board so far.
The former president Mr Darin Boev withdrew for personal reasons.  
Also on March, 27, the Silistra Municipal Council voted for two important decisions about
Chitalishte "Drastar-2012" according to the Law for Chitaliste's:

# approved to give rights for use of 568 square meters of public building intended for cultural and social activities for a period of 3 years; and

# approved to give rights for use of agricultural land with total area of ​​4,6 ha for a period of ten years;The demands of "Drastar-2012" to the Municipal Council lasted about an year ago.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Today Bulgaria marks the 136th anniversary of its Liberation from the five centuries of Ottoman rule, also referred to as the date of the creation of the Third Bulgarian Tsardom. March 3 is a National Holiday for Bulgaria and it was declared as such in 1978. On this day, in 1878, Russia and the Ottoman empire signed a preliminary peace treaty in San Stefano, a small village near Istanbul.
The Peace Treaty of San Stefano puts an end to the Russian – Turkish war and brings Bulgaria back on the political map. 

Happy Liberation Day!