Sunday, April 28, 2013

Participation of the Chitalishte "Drastar-2012" foklore groups in the "Spring dances and songs" Municipal Festival in Silistra

This year's Palm Sunday all the folklore groups of the Chitalishte "Drastar-2012" participated in the traditional spring festival in Silistra organized by the Municipality of Silistra for the community culture centers and  associations. Over 20 chitalishtes and folklore associations took part into the "Spring dances and songs" Festival. 

The folklore dances group

Traditionally, the Festival is held on the eve and the day of Palm Sunday in the central town "Freedom" square. The event has a special place in the poster of the May Cultural Events in Silistra.
The partners from "The Shikovtzi" Ensemble.
The instrumental group

Look out for more pictures

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday - Bulgarian tradition 

Palm Sunday is the most colorful feast of the year following the Lazarus. It is celebrated the Sunday before Easter (Resurrection) - the biggest Christian holiday.Saturday raised Lazarus, Christ entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and people welcomed him with palm leaves that litter the ground at his feet and cheering "Hosanna". 

Orthodox tradition in Bulgaria has chosen for this holiday branch of freshly broken willow. The night before during the time of the Vigil these branches are lit in the church and in the morning give away the faithful. Each one brings to the house willow branches weaves them wreath and hang it on the door against evil and disease. This wreath is burned after year. 
The girls dressed in festive clothes and flower garlands on their heads, carrying baskets decorated with greenery and collection of gifts. They go around the houses singing, wishing health, fertility, happiness, prosperity and fulfillment of the deepest hopes of everyone in the family, and in turn hosts give them nuts, eggs, money, fruits and small gifts. It was believed that the custom "Lazaruvane" (Lazarus dances) brings economic prosperity and a better life of the villagers.

For girls it's rite of "initiation" in girlhood - so they come to the group of girls and are ready to start a family. Once it was thought that a girl who is not going to "Lazaruvane" can not marry. Usually on this day in the past young men are like the hands of theirs future spouses.

The week, which begins after Palm Sunday is called Holy Week (passion meant pain and suffering). All the days of her worn definition of "great". It reminded of the last moments of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, his suffering and death. Holy Week fasting is the most rigorous.

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